The 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church convenes in Austin Texas, July 5th - 13th, 2018

Friday, July 13, 2018

Deputy Booker - Day Nine

After two weeks of hard work, the 79th General Convention is now concluded.   The legislative session for the House of Deputies ran from 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM, with votes on 29 pieces of legislation…our fastest pace yet.  There are several reasons that voting goes so quickly on the last day.  First, every piece of legislation has already been approved by the House of Bishops, so it probably makes some kind of sense.  Second, if we amend a Resolution and pass it, it then needs to go back to the House of Bishops.  If there isn’t time for that, the legislation goes bye-bye.  Finally, we’re all quite ready to go home.

We voted again on B012, the legislation expanding the availability of same-sex marriages in the church.  We already voted on that earlier, but the Bishops had adjusted it slightly, so we had to vote on it again.  (See the previous paragraph.)

We had a number of Resolutions relating to racism and to gender issues.  All passed.

We also had an additional 24 courtesy resolutions that are like “we want to thank the city of Austin for hosting us.”

It’ll take some time to sort out the importance of this General Convention.  Starting Prayer Book revision was probably the most important thing we agreed to, but that just initiates the process.  The real challenge comes with sifting through a mountain of heartfelt suggestions to create the new materials.   Somehow, I suspect something in this vein: .

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