The 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church convenes in Austin Texas, July 5th - 13th, 2018

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Deputy Booker - Day Six

Today was a fairly quiet day, but it’s mostly the calm before the storm.  Tomorrow we have a lot of time set aside for legislative processes. 
One of the more important pieces of legislative drama was the decision by the President of the House of Deputies to rule an important piece of legislation “out of order”… the establishment of a pension fund for the pigeons who are residing in the convention center.  (Frowny Face)

Other bits of legislation:
Passed – B007 - legislation instructing the church to buy shares of stock in gun companies in order to pressure them to make guns safer.

No Action – C017 – legislation promoting a just peace in the Middle East.
Passed – D045 – legislation supporting a change in the Church Pension Fund to provide equitable retirements benefits for laypeople.

Passed – B011 – legislation suggesting that seminaries should use gender-neutral and gender-creative language for God and for people.
Passed – C054 – legislating establishing rules for treating transgender individuals decently.

Passed – A024 – legislation supporting the Evangelism Charter.
Passed – A088 – legislation allowing for the amendment of church records.

Passed – A098 – legislation supporting a process for dealing with conflicts between bishops and priests.

There were also a series of “courtesy resolutions” saying nice things about the city of Austin and the Diocese of Texas, for example.
The big deal tomorrow, I believe, will be a re-write of the proposal about re-writing the Prayer Book that was crafted by the House of Bishops.  But who knows?  No telling what surprises are in store for us.

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